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How WE CAN Help you

We are delighted to help you with all you needs related to the root canals but our services in endodontics are not always just about the root canals.

Find the cause of pain

Many patients have described toothache as the worst kind of pain they have experienced, but pain in the oral cavity varies a lot. Pain related to the root canals can come in many forms as well. Your dentist may refer you to us to find out if your pain is caused by disease in the pulp (the tissue in the root canals). When the pain is not endodontic in origin (related to the root canals), root canal treatment is not the solution. Recommendation will be made and occasionally more consultation will be recommended to diagnose complex or atypical pain.

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Emergency treatment

When the pulp of the tooth (tissues in the root canal system) is severely inflamed, one can experience tremendous pain in the area. On the other hand, severe pain and swelling can result from an acute abscess developed around a tooth with a dead and infected pulp. Both scenarios are considered endodontic emergency, and we will try our best to provide immediate treatment to clean out inflamed tissue, disinfect the root canals or drain the abscess. In most cases, pain can become more manageable with over-the-counter pain mediation after the treatment.

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Cracked tooth

Many patients come to us with vague symptoms, such as occasional shock during chewing, cold sensitivity with no apparent causes. Endodontists are familiar with cracked teeth and can often spot the cracks which are not easily detected. CBCT scan may be recommended for certain cases when a crack is suspected.


Many cracked teeth can be saved with root canal treatment and crown. Cracked teeth should be treated as soon as possible, as the prognosis can deteriorate quickly when a crack deepens. 

Root canal treatment/

Most of our treatments are completed in one visit, some could take more including the majority of retreatments. Though many people are anxious about seeking dental treatments especially root canal treatments, many of our patients told us they had a much more pleasant experience than they expected. Some even fell asleep during the procedure. The most challenging tasks during a root canal treatment might be keeping your mouth open for one hour (it could be shorter and you could take breaks!) and occupying your mind with something positive.  


The videos produced by AAE (American Association of Endodontists) are a great source for you to understand what's involved in these procedures.

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Managing trauma

Dental trauma can occur as a consequence of accidents and sports-related injury. Many of these teeth need root canal treatment, but minor injury could just be monitored. Unfortunately some teeth could suffer complications such as root fracture, resorption or ankylosis. Endodontists play important roles in the dental team to create a treatment plan based on the type of injury, the clinical observations and the age of the patients, etc.

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Endodontic Surgery

For some teeth that had gone through root canal treatment once or more, there might be persistent symptoms or infection. Often this is due to bacteria hidden in hard-to-reach canal space or growth of bacterial colonies on the outside of root tips.


Endodontic surgery, also known as apical surgery, root-end surgery or apicoectomy, can be very successful in treating these cases. This procedure removes the root tip, along with bacterial growth (inside and outside) within that section of the root. Dr. Tang uses a piezoelectric surgical unit to complete the removal of bone and root fragment precisely and conservatively. 


To seal the rest of the root canal, a bioceramic material, which is very tissue-friendly, is placed as a filling in the end of the root. 



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To extract or not to extract

For compromised teeth or teeth with multiple issues, you dentist will often present multiple treatment options with regard to saving a tooth or extracting it. 


As your endodontist, we can explain in details how likely root canal treatment, retreatment or apical surgery will be successful or if a tooth could be expected to last long. Many times there is no one answer fit for everyone. We will patiently answer your questions to help you make a decision.

Reducing anxiety

Our office utilizes anxiety-reducing agent such as nitrous oxide and oral sedation. Talk to us to find out other non-phamacological measures we use to help you feel more relaxed during the treatment.

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172 S Industrial Dr

Saline, MI 48176​​

Tel: 734-345-2979

Fax: 734​-328-0261

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© Created by Saline Endodontics. 


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